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Match report. A below par performance with both bat and ball saw Yorkshire U12 Development lose their first game in 2019. Yorkshire won t...
Match reports. Yorkshire U15 Dev vs Northumberland U17 The toss was always likely to be crucial on a damp and green wicket at Tynemout...
Match reports from Rugby School and the Cup Final. Rugby School Festival Yorkshire U13 220-7 (Tom Burton 75, Jawad Akhtar 57) beat Not...
Match report. On Monday 19th August, Yorkshire U11 Phoenix ventured over to Marple CC in Stockport to play a 40-over game against Cheshir...
Match report. Yorkshire U14A 247-8 (Isaac Coates 56, Sam Spenceley 51*, Noah Kelly 48, Alex Cree 34) lost to Cheshire U14 249-6 by 4 wick...
Match reports. Lancashire U14 Development 281-9 dec (Charlie McMurran 6-36) and 123-6 beat Yorkshire U14 Development 218-9 dec (Alex Cree...
Match report. Yorkshire U11 Phoenix traveled to Staffordshire to look to continue their great run of form, having only lost to the Tykes ...
Match report. Yorkshire U15A qualified for the ECB Finals down at Kibworth CC on 21st and 22nd August with a hard-fought match v Warwicks...
Match reports. Yorkshire U13A 206-6 (Sabir Mahmood 100, Tom Burton 31) lost to Gloucestershire U13 207-6 by 4 wickets. Yorkshire made ...
Match reports. Yorkshire U12A v Staffordshire - Sunday 14th July 2019 at Oulton CC Yorkshire won the toss and fielded on a green looki...
Thu 20th March - 6:15pm
Mon 24th March - 6:00pm
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Thu 3rd April - 6:00pm