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Arrange more games in 2018. There is a NEW Facebook group for Women's clubs to play more fixtures this Summer! Clubs can go on and po...
New Handbook for 2018 now available. The 2018 YCB Handbook is now available online HERE.
Competition dates and how to enter a team. The 2018 Lady Taverners dates have been announced for Yorkshire and are as follows: Lady Ta...
Former Yorkshire cricketer returns as coach. Alex Morris has been appointed as Under 14 Development Coach & will work alongside County Ag...
Disability Development Officer. We are currently on the look out for a DISABILITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICER! For all the info, including how...
Shape the future of Women's Softball in your area... This year we want you to shape the future of Women’s Softball in your area… H...
How to get in touch, if interested. Oulton Cricket Club, just outside of Leeds, are on the look out for an umpire and scorer for their 2n...
Trip to Lord's ends in narrow semi-final defeat. Yorkshire's own Woodlands CC appeared at the ECB Indoor 6-a-side Competition Finals at L...
Download here. Play-Cricket Scorer Pro is now available to download! For more information and to download the software for FREE, pleas...
Calderdale Cricket Development Group scooped the 2017 George Reah Award for Special Services to Cricket. The Calderdale Cricket Developme...
Thu 20th March - 6:15pm
Wed 2nd April - 6:15pm
Thu 24th April - 6:15pm