- provides valuable insight.
The 2015 coaches conference marked the first event of its kind under the restructured ECB Coaches Association Yorkshire.
The day proved a success, involving three sessions delivered by Yorkshire CCC captain Andrew Gale, former player and current coach, Richard Pyrah and Griffiths and Hartley Physiotherapy. With an emphasis on providing up-to-date information from the professional game, as well as new ideas surrounding coaching all facets of the game, the conference provided a valuable opportunity for all coaches attending to learn from two of the County’s Championship winning players.
The ECB Coaches Association Yorkshire will be working to ensure Coaches around Yorkshire get further opportunities to develop their coaching in the future. Dale Kerriush, Coach Education & Membership Services Lead for the YCB, stated ‘The Coaching Association has been altered to improve the number of opportunities that coaches around the county have to develop their skills. With closer links to Yorkshire County Cricket Club, the opportunities we can provide for our coaches is fantastic. Events like the coaching conference with Andrew Gale, Richard Pyrah and Griffiths and Hartley Physiotherapy leading them provide valuable insight, which can only help to improve the standards of coaching around the County’
Throughout the day, the coaches picked up tips from Andrew Gale and Richard Pyrah on batting, bowling and fielding, as well as the mental side of the game. They were also able to pick the brains of a physiotherapist from Griffiths and Hartley, with particular reference to injury prevention amongst fast bowlers. The sessions included practical elements, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions.
Andrew Gale’s Top Tip:
Throughout his session, Gale suggested that coaches should encourage players to ‘find a way’ when developing skills and facing difficult challenges. He made particular reference to some of the great bowlers that he has faced in his career, and how he had to find a method of scoring as well as surviving.
Richard Pyrah’s Top Tip:
Pyrah suggested that coaches should try to instil a ‘no fear’ approach when it comes to fielding. As a result of this mentality, he believes that players are able to get into better positions.