- 2015 nominations required.
The Yorkshire Cricket Board will again be holding an Awards Ceremony to recognise and reward volunteers who have made significant contributions to recreational cricket within the County.
The 2015 OSCAs ceremony will be staged at Headingley on Monday 3rd August and nominations are now welcomed from clubs, leagues and cricket officials. A nomination form can be downloaded from below and full details have been mailed out to all leagues and clubs in our April mail out.
The 2015 categories are:
OSCAs 2015 - ECB categories
• Young Volunteer (aged 14- 25) – Designed to highlight the fantastic contribution young volunteers make to the game
• Heartbeat of the Club - The clubman of the year – someone with significant dedication and contribution to the club. Someone invisible who your club could not do without, who takes on a number of roles and always there to help out. Outstanding willingness to go beyond the call of duty.
• Get the Game On - For persons making match day contributions to make the game happen. The pro-active volunteer who goes the extra mile to get the game on and has a positive impact on retaining players, especially juniors. Someone who has helped promote the Get the Game On campaign.
• Nat West Cricket Force - A Club that has galvanised its members to support NWCF, gained support from national and local businesses, as well as linking with the local community in the recruitment of volunteers for the club
• Leagues - An individual with dedication who has achieved sustainable results to increase levels of participation for a League. Someone who understands the needs of the players and have adapted playing rules and has helped in the reduction of conceded or cancelled matches
• Lifetime Achiever - An individual who has made an outstanding difference to a cricket club, league, County Board or local cricket community over a sustained period
• Officiating - Umpires and Scorers - An individual who has raised the profile of good officiating within Yorkshire, increasing the standards and levels of player satisfaction
For all the above consider innovation and creativity, energy and commitment to development, the creation of good practice worth replication, inspiration and motivation, leadership in creating and developing projects
Coach Education (Winners to be nominated for Sky Sports 2015-16 Awards)
• Outstanding Contribution and Services to Cricket Coaching - A coach who has contributed to cricket coaching and created a legacy through development of coaching , and innovation that has increased coaching activity and player participation.
• Coach of the Year - A coach who has made a significant difference in shaping the lives of cricketers in both club and representative cricket.
• Young Coach of the Year (under the current age of 25) - A young coach who has showed a commitment to developing the game at grass roots and community level and has had a clear impact with school, club or community.
YCB Services to Sport Awards
These are all in recognition of long-term service
• Clifford Smith Award -Youth Representative Cricket - an individual who given a life-long commitment to youth representative cricket in coaching or administrative capacity and “made a difference”.
• Maurice Young Award - Coaching Young People - a coach who has inspired young people and made a difference over many years.
• Disability Cricket - an individual who may be able-bodied or from a disability group who has “made a difference” in the availability of cricket for those with a disability.
• Umpiring - A umpire who has given long-term service to umpiring and “made a difference” by their loyalty and personal standards and/or by tutoring fellow umpires.
• Scoring - A scorer who has given long-term service to scoring and “made a difference” to scoring by their dedication, loyalty and personal standards.
• Groundsmanship - a grounds man who has given long-term service to the cause of and development of groundsmanship in the county and or at their club and has thus “made a difference”.
• Barbara Hare Award - Womens Cricket - an individual who has given long and valuable service and who has “made a difference” in the availability of women and girls cricket which may be at club, district or county level.
• Black Minority Ethnic Cricket - an individual who has given long and valuable service and who has “made a difference” in the availability of cricket for young people from the Black Minority Ethnic communities.
• Disability achiever of the year - an individual from a disability group (Learning Disability, Physical Disability, Blind and Visually Impaired, Deaf and Hearing Impaired) who has achieved high playing recognition and results in 2014/15 and/or who has by way of example or direct help raised the aspirations of those playing disability cricket.
• Young Disability Performer of the Year - A young person under 18 years from a disability group (Learning Disability, Physical Disability, Blind and Visually Impaired, Deaf and Hearing Impaired) who has performed well and achieved great playing improvement.
• Ralph Pritchard Award - Volunteer of the Year - An individual whose volunteering efforts across a range of cricket activities in 2014/15 has truly “made a difference” to the cricket opportunities of those around them.
Francesca Anoble Memorial Young Leaders Award - the YCB Young leader of the Year from the Yorkshire Cricket Young Elite Leaders Academy and schemes.
George Reah Special Award - No nominations can be made for this award which only be made if the Awards Panel feel there is someone special in an above category or comes very close in several categories that they deserve an award
Brian Stone Award – Club Family of the Year – a family who together have given exceptional service to their club in 2014/15.
The Yorkshire winners in the ECB OSCA categories will be the Yorkshire nominations of the national awards which will go through County Boards this year.