Open meetings of all ECBACO members in Yorkshire
Establish and maintain branches of ECBACO
Representation of ECBOA Yorkshire on YCBACO
Representation of YCBACO on ECBACO Regional Forum
Consider and propose any further amendments to YCBACO constitution
Create YCBACO Standing Orders to include an Education Training Officer
Agree an annual financial budget
Recruit umpires and scorers including women, those with disability or from ethnic minorities and the young through the website, handbooks, newsletters, volunteers programme
Promote and publicise advantages of membership to current non-member umpires and scorers
Maintain education for members on CRB checks and good practice
Maintain newsletter and dissemination of information to all members and practising umpires through newsletters ( 3 time s year) and website
Hold twice yearly open meetings for YCBACO members
Develop branches of YCBACO as appropriate
Maintain present level of umpires and scorers courses
Initiate ECBACO umpires Level 1 and 2 courses (when tutors available)
Initiate ECBACO Scorers courses when available
Map present courses and target non-active areas
Ensure courses are on YCB website and where appropriate ECB Planner
Hold twice yearly seminars for all YCBACO members
Develop area/branch 3 hour workshops for YCBOA members highlighting good practice , refresher course and management
Liaise with County Sport Partnerships on match official training and mentoring and young volunteers
Establish an Education and Training programme
Advise and train on umpiring reporting of disciplinary matters
Support existing Level 1 instructors
Hold annual regional seminar/workshop for all umpires and scorers instructors/tutors
Organise and hold refresher courses for instructors/tutors
Recruit, train and support Yorkshire based tutors for ACO courses Levels 1 and 2 ( plus scorers)
Recruit, train and support Yorkshire based assessors for ACO courses Levels 1 , 1A and 2 (plus scorers)
Develop courses and modules and workshops to be held regionally to promote officials individual education and development
Collect and collate performance data from umpires in Premier League and Senior Leagues cricket and those that indicate they wish to umpire outside their immediate league structure
Develop umpiring opportunity including representative cricket and inter-league exchanges
Develop an Officials Professional Development Pathway for both umpires and scorers
Develop a county system of umpires reporting in accordance with ECB requirements
Establish and YCBOA Officials Assessment Panel with administrative contact
Annual awards for services to umpiring and scoring ( with Volunteer policy )